
We are grateful for the occasion to travel to Northern Canada in the context of the privately funded expedition to experience the polar bears in their natural habitat. We were very lucky as we had wonderful native guides, thus our frame conditions were perfect to take such amazing pictures. Among our 3000 images and video sequences we have got extraordinary snapshots which we will keep on our minds forever. These images which are published on this website have been selected as the best of among the over 3000 images. We are very pleased to share these images with you that present to you this fascinating world worth keeping.
The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the Arctic is the polar bear. He is the uncontroversial symbol of this part of our world. As our foundation does not only support polar bears but their habitat as well, we would like to introduce to you the other residents of the Arctic. We are proud to be able to present to you these images which have been taken by our board of directors as well as by our German and French researchers during their annual trips who we are actively supporting. (Geographical source: Northern Canada and Karupelv Valley in Northeastern Greenland).