Donors show face

All foundations and supporters work pro bono in our foundation, so that 100% of the donations can reach the purpose of the foundation. But without our many partners, the foundation could not be fulfilled with active foundation life and foundation purpose. That’s why we sincerely thank all our partners for their commitment. Of course, this includes all one-time and permanent donors, foundation sponsors, ambassadors and individuals and companies who help us with their support.

In the following section “Donors show face” we publish permanent donors or Eisbärenpaten at the document handover for this. If you are not there yet, you can secure yourself a place here as well.

In the category “Ambassadors and Sponsors”, we publish companies that do us good by free commitment or assistance from their business activities. Of course, other companies who would like to get involved here are also welcome.

left: Mr. Peter Szemenyei, Baugewerbeinnung Düsseldorf, right: Mr. Oliver Klimbt, Fa. F.Ricken GmbH, Isolierungen aller Art, Düsseldorf

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